Cellulite Treatments

October 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Cellulite

You can identify whether a person has cellulite by pinching an area of skin tissue. If the skin dimples or has a rippling appearance similar to orange peel, then they probably have it. Cellulite is also a lot more noticeable when the skin is cold.

The build-up of cellulite can be reduced by a healthy diet and exercise. Keeping the body well hydrated and avoiding an excess of alcohol and coffee are a strong recommendation as these are among the worst offenders for causing cellulite.

Smoking and diuretic pills, laxative and diet pills also enhance the likelihood of developing cellulite when taken on a regular basis. Salt should also be kept to a bare minimum due to the fact it causes water retention. Exercise is also the key for good condition and the fight against cellulite problems. A good exercise regime is probably half the battle when fighting cellulite.

Most topical applications obtainable on the market do not exclusively treat cellulite although they create a smoother texture by making the skin look plumper and smoother. This effect is only temporary however and it will require you to use constant applications of creams and potions to keep up the effects. This can prove costly and time consuming.

The dimpling effect of cellulite can be reduced by using creams which contain Aminophylline. This is a bronchodilator that causes a chemical reaction which enables the fat cells to be changed into fatty acids which are able to slide through the walls of the cells into the bloodstream. These creams should be used quickly and sparingly and also kept away from heat.

The skin’s quality can also be improved by retinols and Alpha Hydroxy Acids which are found in some lotions. The elimination of the surface layer of dead skin cells can be speeded up by using cellulite lotions containing lactic acid and glycolic acid. This method is increasingly being used to fight cellulite problems in many beauty salons, however they come at a price!

Creams to treat cellulite also contain Vitamin A derivatives or Retinoids which are applied at night time since daylight destroys Retinol. Although it is debated whether Retinol is efficient at removing cellulite, it is also used to improve the skin’s circulation and softness. Certain anti cellulite lotions contain caffeine and some now also contain herbs which improve the skin’s texture and tone.

Some beauty salons advise their customers to wear a particular line of pantyhose and panties made from an unusual mesh fabric. These products are also supposed to provide a flattering exercise to the skin and adipose tissue by complimenting the body’s movements. This exercise is supposed to stimulate microcirculation allowing the fluids in the tissue to be drained. However this can be open to some interpretation.

There are also massage and rollers available that use the same principle. Although these methods do not remedy the underlying cause of cellulite, they reduce the appearance of it for cosmetic relief. However you should always bear in mind that excessive massage on areas that are affected by cellulite can cause breakage in the tiny capillaries under the skin.

Treating Diaper Rash Using Only Natural Ways

October 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Eco Baby

Any baby that wears diapers is going to have diaper rash at some point. Unfortunately, many of the conventional treatments for diaper rash contain harmful chemicals that should be avoided.

As we have all heard, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, which definitely applies when treating a baby’s diaper rash. If diaper rash can be prevented, then it would save the baby a lot of discomfort and you a lot of money. For instance, if cloth diapers will be used, then cotton or wool would be best in that these materials can breathe. Typically, babies in cloth diapers have fewer breakouts of diaper rash than babies wearing disposable diapers do. It is also important to change the baby frequently so he or she is not sitting in moisture. Using a training technique known as Elimination Communication is a great tool in that it teaches you to see signs that the baby needs to go potty before the diaper is soiled.

For babies that wear disposable diapers and have recurring problems of diaper rash, you might give some thought to using cloth diapers to see if the problem is alleviated. Even if the baby is already in cloth diapers but having diaper rash, the corners can be folded down so there is better air movement. Even switching from the current type of laundry soap and running the diapers through the rinse cycle twice can make a significant improvement.

Another method of dealing with diaper rash is to let the baby run around the home without a diaper. As long as the baby can move about freely and while still being watched for signs of needing to potty, diaper rash will heal quickly. If the baby gives any indication, then he or she can be placed on the potty and encouraged to go.

While there are many different causes of diaper rash, the most common cause is a type of yeast called Candida. Rash caused by this yeast would be shiny and red in appearance, something even a nursing mother could develop. When there is an overgrowth of Candida, the mother would find nursing painful or vaginal discharge. To help the baby, acidophilus powder can be used, as well as for the mother. This is safe and works well. For older babies, eating yogurt with live cultures is a great fix. Other helpful tips for getting rid or alleviate diaper rash caused by Candida is to eliminate white flour and sugar from the diet. To ease the pain of diaper rash, a past made of baking soda and water will help and kill the yeast.

If a baby has diaper rash, baby wipes should never be used. Especially at this time, the baby’s bottom is sensitive and sore and using wipes will actually make the problem worse. Instead, use a soft wet cloth after each diaper change.

If the diaper rash has progressed to the point of becoming dry and scaly, vitamin E oil helps. Another topical ointment to consider is known as calendula as well as Kaolin powder, which is actually made from clay, helping to dry oozing rash.

For babies that have recently been put on solid foods, seeing diaper rash is common. The reason is that the baby’s body is adjusting so pH levels in stool and urine can cause an outbreak. You should look for a rash specifically around the anus and try to link it to specific foods. This connection could be the result of a food allergy so the food should be avoided until the baby is older and then reintroduced.

In the case of a baby having a severe or even chronic problem with diaper rash, food allergies are likely the cause. The best measure is to meet with the baby’s pediatrician to determine what should be done. In addition, certain foods can be avoided to include eggs, soy, wheat, dairy, and corn. Often, this will stop the diaper rash problem and again, when the child is older, each of these foods can be reintroduced to see if a reaction results.

Sometimes, a baby will have other symptoms with a diaper rash outbreak to include fever or irritability. Additionally, you may look at the rash and feel it looks inflamed and infected. . In these situations, the baby should be seen by the doctor.

Some Baby Products are Dangerous

October 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Eco Baby

New mothers have a built in desire to provide their baby with the best in life. Even choices for diapering and products used are carefully analyzed. Mothers will shop for diaper ointments, shampoo, lotion, bath soap, powder, and more used to care for the baby in everyday life.

Unfortunately, most mothers never read labels to see the ingredients used in the making of these and other products. Interestingly, some of the very products thought to be safe are actually made with dangerous chemicals. When discovered, new parents often feel angry and cheated. After all, the products chosen were believed to be safe. Parents put their faith in commercial baby products every day but most never give thought to the ingredients and chemicals used in the making of those products. Questionable ingredients can be spotted by paying attention to the label, looking for words such as parabens, talc, artificial colors and fragrances, and sodium lauryl sulfate.

Parents should take time to better understand these chemicals and the reasons they are so harmful.

For instance parabens are preservatives that mimic estrogen. This means hormonal levels in the baby could be affected. When studied in laboratory conditions, male rats ended up with lower testosterone levels, as well as other hormone problems. Additionally, women who have had breast cancer were examined only to find that parabens were much higher in the diseased tissue.

Another chemical is the sodium lauryl sulfate, which is often used for making liquid soap and shampoo so they produce foam. Not only is this ingredient irritating to the skin, but also when new creams and ointments are formulated, this ingredient is what researchers use to rub on a person’s skin to determine if a reaction will occur. This ingredient, also referred to as SLS can penetrate a person’s skin, ending up in vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart, eyes, and brain where significant damage is done. When used in making baby products, SLS can cause diaper rash, skin rash, and even eczema. Sadly, many baby products currently on the market are made with this harmful ingredient even those being marketed as organic or natural since this ingredient is made using coconut oil.

Next, baby products are often made using synthetic colors and fragrances, which are typically made from a variety of chemicals. For instance, carcinogenic ingredients to include methylene chloride are known to cause skin irritation, vomiting, headache, coughing, and dizziness.

Talc is also a problem ingredient. This white gray colored powder is a common ingredient used in baby powder. While it seems harmless and helps to keep a baby’s skin soft and smooth, talc has been carefully studied and shown to cause some of the same problems as asbestos.

The problem is that most ingredients used when making baby products seem harmless but many are actually very dangerous. All new parents should read the labels and even do research online so they understand everything used. Another option would be to purchase only from a reputable company and purchase only products made with 100% or organic ingredients. The biggest problem is that organic body and bath products are not regulated, which is why parents should do their own research. To give a newborn the best care, parents can make homemade products so they know exactly the ingredients being used.