
Why Does Cellulite Form?

There is no doubt that some people seem more prone to develop cellulite than others. Women gain weight during pregnancy, so women who had cellulite before the pregnancy many find themselves with more cellulite, while women who had no cellulite at all find may also themselves with cellulite!

Cellulite rarely affects men as they store their fat deposits at a deep level than women. Interestingly their fat cells are also a different shape.

The characteristic orange peel skin usually develops in women just post puberty and the condition worsens with age as the skin becomes thinner and loses its elasticity. It is thought the contraceptive pill plays a large part in the formation of cellulite as the body’s natural waste elimination processes become overwhelmed with the higher levels of oestrogen in the body.

Cellulite is also known to form around the site of injuries as the supply of blood and lymph vessels are damaged and can no longer function properly in the elimination of toxins from the body.

Whether a woman is pregnant or not, the main factors that appear to contribute to the formation of cellulite or make an individual predisposed to develop cellulite are as follows:

• Genetics – you are far more likely to develop cellulite if there is a family history of the problem. This shouldn’t be a cause for despair as there is still a lot that can be done to reduce the problem.

• Dehydration – water is essential for the proper functioning of the body. When dehydration sets in toxins are retained and deposited in fatty layers

• Smoking – is bad for every part of the body. It destroys the elasticity of the skin and damages the underlying connective tissues, making cellulite worse.

• High Stress Levels – contribute to the formation of cellulite. In a stressed state the body contracts and muscles and fibres become tense. This in turn restricts circulation which causes toxins to build up. Breathing is also shallower in those who are stressed which reduces oxygen levels in the body which restricts the ability of the cells to function properly.

• Sedentary Lifestyle – when the body is still, the systems within the body work more slowly and less efficiently. Exercise gets everything moving improving the tone of muscles and tissues, encouraging elimination of toxins and diminishing the risk of many of other health conditions developing.

• Medication – particularly the pill can cause fat cells to enlarge and spread they also encourage water retention which is also means that toxins are retained.

There is now a multi million dollar (or pound) industry providing cellulite treatments to those who seek a solution to what is a very normal, but nevertheless unwelcome, physiological phenomenon. Despite this, the most effective treatments are still those that can be roughly categorized as changes to diet and lifestyle.

Banishing Cellulite

Cellulite can be quite difficult to get rid of. All women have a degree of cellulite. It is worse for some than others and it is more visible in some than others. The good news is that there are a number of things that can be done to improve the condition.

For those who are really serious about banishing cellulite they must resign themselves to incorporating treatment into their daily personal care regime in much the same way as they clean their teeth twice a day. It is only through persistent and regular treatment that the condition will improve.

A variety of creams and lotions are offered to combat cellulite and these work in different ways. Some work on the surface of skin, merely camouflaging the characteristic cellulite bumps. Others penetrate the outer layer of the skin and work to stimulate circulation to affected areas. This increased circulation improves the transport of nutrients, fluid and oxygen to the connective tissue and also assists with the elimination of waste products and toxins.

Mechanical treatments of cellulite are effective – although once again the problem will recur if the treatments are not continued. Massage works in much the same way as many of the creams available by stimulating circulation of both the blood and lymph. Another procedure, available in salons and health clubs, involves having the affected areas pressed by what is effectively a giant rolling pin. This latter mechanical treatment is expensive, painful and can lead to bruising so is not for the faint hearted.

There are a number of treatments offered that are taken by mouth and extra special care must be taken to examine the labels of these to ensure there are no substances included that might react with any medications that may have been prescribed for other health related conditions.

The problem with many of the treatments offered is the lack of real scientific proof of their efficacy. There is also no proof to say that the products do not work. Every individual has a slightly different physiology and it is often worth trying treatments – even if they have not worked for others – personal recommendation is not always a good thing on which to base a purchasing decision.

Most cellulite treatments that are commercially available are relatively ‘young’ and have not yet been tested over time – for this reason it is important to proceed with caution, especially when considering any remedy that is to be taken internally or which is to be absorbed through the skin.

Whilst it is tempting to be the first to try new products, it is often advisable to wait until there are product reviews available. There is no reason why you should not banish your cellulite provided you are willing to do the work and are not expecting, at the moment, to find a magic pill or potion that will do it for you.