Tips for Keeping your Body Fit and Strong during Pregnancy

December 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Pregnancy

The way to an easier pregnancy starts by being in shape. Today, there are a number of programs and exercises designed specifically for pregnant women but it is vital that women talk to their doctor first to ensure there are no health risks. The best solution to keep the body fit during pregnancy is by getting about 30 minutes of exercise every day. Not only will you gain less weight and have an easier pregnancy and delivery, you will also discover you have increased energy.

In addition, exercise while pregnant will reduce the risk of certain health issues that are common while carrying a child to include gestational diabetes. Even after giving birth, your body will respond faster, meaning you heal quicker than someone who did not exercise while pregnant and feel better overall. Again, if you are pregnant and you want to be in the best shape possible, exercise is key but always discuss options with your doctor first.

Typically, pregnant women should only use fitness programs that are easy on the body but also effective. Such activities would include swimming, low impact aerobics, yoga, and walking. In some cases, even Pilates can be highly beneficial. Of course, anything that is too strenuous should be avoided. After all, your pregnant body is carrying additional weight and the body is being stretched so it is important to choose wisely, particularly in the second trimester. There are also some activities that should be avoided throughout the pregnancy altogether such as scuba diving. The reason is that gas bubbles could form in the circulatory system of the unborn child, causing serious problems.

Your pregnancy is important and to stay in shape, exercise on a daily basis will make everything easier. Keep in mind, exercise will burn off more calories. However, because you have a baby growing inside, weight gain is inevitable. Exercise will keep you from gaining too much weight, something you will be thankful for after giving birth. Once you become a new mom, exercise should continue to be a part of life so you avoid heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure among other things, giving you and your child a long life together.

A common problem that pregnant women deal with is stress. A lot of this is about hormonal changes occurring in the body, which is normal but adding exercise to your daily regimen actually reduces stress. The benefit here is not only for you but also for the baby. Stress you experience is felt by the baby, something you want to avoid. Exercise also helps tremendously in lowering stress levels after the pregnancy, a time when new moms deal with the “blues”.

Postpartum depression is a real condition and in some cases, very serious. With this problem the new mom feels overwhelmed and even questions her ability to be a good parent. Exercise can help lift some of this pressure, making the bonding time between mom and baby more effective.

Talk to your doctor when trying to get pregnant or after becoming pregnant so you can learn which activities are safe. From there, you can do research to find a program that includes activities you enjoy and on your schedule. Even when you feel tired, 30 minutes of exercise during your pregnancy can make you feel more balanced.

The exciting thing about exercise programs today is that they are designed with new exercises and activities that are really enjoyable. The key to being consistent is trying to find things you like so you will not become bored. As you exercise throughout the pregnancy and after birth, you are giving yourself a great gift – the gift of life.