Factors That Affect Fertility And How To Combat Them!
December 12, 2011 by admin
Filed under How to Get Pregnant
Most couples who have actively tried to get pregnant know that having intercourse near the scientific dates appropriate for conception isn’t all that matters. In fact, less than two thirds of those trying to get pregnant do so within six months. However, 90% of those who try manage to be successful within eighteen months.
There are plenty of considerations that influence the chances of conception, some of which carrying more weight in this process than others.
Let’s take a look at caffeine. The intake of caffeine tends to have an effect on fertility for both males as well as females. Cappuccino tends to have 300-400 mgs of caffeine, whilst brewed coffee has 100-300 mgs of caffeine. The least amount of caffeine is found in decaf coffee (7-8mg), which is the best type of coffee to take if you’re trying to get pregnant.
Some pre-existing conditions are also known to affect fertility in men and women.
Some men have lower sperm motility, which is a condition whereby the sperm cells lack the energy to move up the fallopian tube to fertilize the ovum. This condition is mostly genetic, but can also be temporarily induced by excess caffeine or alcohol levels in the blood.
Low sperm count also affects fertility. Although fewer than 10% of all men have this condition, it rates highly on the infertility chart. Having a low sperm count is normally a factor of genetics, but can also be due to some illness or heavy alcohol consumption. In some cases, it can also be a consequence of high fever.
However, low sperm count caused by heat is temporary and can be sorted easily. In fact, the myth that heat causes low sperm counts came about when laboratory tests for sperm counts showed lower numbers after exposure to high temperatures. However, for sperm counts to decrease drastically, continuous exposure to high temperatures is required, not the small changes caused by wearing different types of underwear or having different lifestyle preferences!
Let’s now look at the factors affecting fertility in females. In women, infertility occurs in a manner of degrees. Some women tend to have a uterine environment which doesn’t facilitate implantation of the fertilized egg, whilst a few women are totally infertile. Some women undergo ovulation irregularly. About 20% of all women who have low fertility determine the root cause of it to be a problem with the fallopian tubes, whereas 20% blame it on endometriosis, whereby uterine tissue lining grows out of the uterus.
Keeping track of the menstrual cycle may help in knowing the best times for possible conception. It is therefore important to maintain a proper chart of body temperature and other monthly events. These should be put down twice every day, morning and evening.
Weight also measures up as a major factor of fertility. Women who are more than a little overweight will find it hard to conceive, because of ovulation and other hormonal aspects associated with being overweight. Body fat that surpasses fifteen percent over the recommended range leads to production of extra estrogen, hence leading to a lower degree of fertility. Generally, any kind of hormonal change will affect a woman’s ability to conceive.
Other external factors that can affect fertility in women include use of antidepressants, excess tobacco as well as heavy alcohol intake.
Medical research has advanced the field of fertility in both men and women. In today’s world, there are several fertility treatments that perform wonders when it comes to conception and implantation. However, most physicians require couples to try naturally for eighteen months before approaching artificial methods. Also, fertility treatments have their own risks, and are not totally foolproof.
So before opting for fertility treatments, consult a fertility expert to determine the best course of action for your needs!
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