How To Hire A Decent Tutor For Your Child’s Homeschooling

January 5, 2009 by  
Filed under Home Schooling

Most parents just aren’t mentally geared to homeschool their child. Even so, they would like their child to have the best education possible, and understand that this cannot be done by sending them to public school. Private schools are very expensive, so a viable option between the two is exactly what they’re looking for! Here’s the answer: Get a tutor!

The beginning of this process starts with some research into the type of tutor you require, as well as the availability. And this depends on the exact homeschooling approach you wish them to use. This leads to further questions about the style of learning that your child naturally uses. It is important to go with a tutor who is in harmony with the student, to avoid any potential problems that might develop between the two. This is the foundation of a good homeschooled education.

One of the various homeschooling approaches requires the teacher to have a focus on the child, rather than the other way around. This method, popularized by Maria Montessori, requires a definite sort of tutor, who is flexible, creative and innovative.

The Classical approach to homeschooling is more structured, and requires a type of tutor who is highly educated, quite dedicated and has excellent resources through which he enlightens the students. This approach was used in monasteries, and is very popular until today.

As it has with everything else in the last decade, the internet has also had an influence on tutoring: positively! Before the advent of the internet, doing research and finding the right tutor for your kids was a matter of luck. Today, it is something more than that!

If you’re looking for a tutor, you can simply type ‘homeschooling tutor’ into any search engine and get prompt results! Contact those you feel are right, and call for interviews. You should do some research and know exactly what standards you require your child’s tutor to have. However, with the advent of social networking media, you can easily get good recommendations from friends or even strangers!

There are quite a few tutors who only work online. These will do if your child is naturally keen on learning, and only requires guidance and resources, which a great tutor will easily provide. Emails, interactive video software, webcams and internet learning tools provide homeschooling with a difference! Thus, parents can get an excellent tutor who lives on the other end of the country for their kid’s homeschooling!

Next comes the issue of homeschooling tutor costs.

While most parents may think that having a tutor is an expensive option, they’ll soon realize otherwise, once all the schooling costs are accounted for. The Internet has increased competition, and thus helped to reduce cost of tutoring. Parents may feel that they can run a home-based business and make more than the cost of the tutoring, rather than dedicating all their time to homeschooling their kids themselves. This is a very attractive option, and one that parents embrace whole-heartedly.

After all, it is your child who is gaining the benefits, right?

Going Green with Elimination Communication

January 4, 2009 by  
Filed under Eco Baby, Featured

When it comes to buying diapers, new parents have more options than ever before. One of the newest, called EC or Elimination Communication is an incredible diaper tool that also supports green efforts. Sometimes, you will hear this diapering process also called Natural Infant Hygiene, which helps a parent understand when the baby needs to potty or have a bowel movement. The baby is actually more comfortable while the sheer number of diapers used is dramatically reduced.

Interestingly, while Elimination Communication is just now being heard partly because of the huge focus on supporting the environment, this is actually something that has been around for a long time. In this case, parents are taught how to recognize when the baby needs to go to the bathroom, which then gives the parent the opportunity to get him or her on the toilet quicker. The Elimination Communication system is widely used in several countries to include Asia and Africa. Simply put, the baby is taught to let mom or dad know when it is time to potty so a toilet can be used rather than getting the diaper wet or dirty.

We see many parents in the United States now using the Elimination Communication system as a part of the potty training process. The result is getting through this phase of the child’s life easier. Typically, babies are potty trained around 12 months of age. The most common method is placing the child on a child potty or an adult toilet with a special seat in anticipation of him or her going. The goal is to train the child that it is much better to use this option instead of going in the diaper. Obviously, throwing out dirty disposable diapers or washing cloth diapers that have been soiled is not a pleasant experience.

Therefore, using Elimination Communication offers a very effective and gentle way of potty training. Not only does this make things easier for the parent but it also shows the baby that the parent has respect. With EC, you teach your child that you are listening and taking appropriate action without forcing him or her into an uncomfortable situation.

If you think that the Elimination Communication system might be right for you and your child, then we recommend you try. Although there are many online resources offering a wealth of information, one in particular, is exceptional. On this site, you will learn all the Elimination Communication principles and be on your way to a diaper free life.

To get started, it is highly recommended that you choose a day when you know you will be home all day. Next, take the baby out of his or her diaper and allow the child to play in one designated room. If you like, an old sheet or towel could be placed on the floor just in case of an accident. As you play and spend time with your baby, simply watch for telltale signs that he or she needs to go potty. For instance, you may find one minute your child playing and the next, becoming quiet or going to a corner of the room. Other signs associated with the Elimination Communication system include the baby starting to squirm around or even cry. At that point, you need to pay attention and be ready to place the child on the toilet.

With EC, the goal is to encourage the child to take care of business in the toilet by using words or even sounds such as “psss”. Depending on the child and the number of times you have tried the Elimination Communication process, he or she may potty immediately or it may take some time. Another option that works quite well is to carry your child in a type of sling so he or she is close, making it easier to take note of signs. Interestingly, while you might think it dangerous to carry a baby around in a sling without a diaper, using the Elimination Communication system actually results in very few accidents. The reason – you are more in tune with the baby so you know when potty breaks are needed.

Although there are many wonderful benefits associated with EC, the one that most parents appreciate most is the fact they have a unique way of communicating and understanding their child. In fact, most parents that use this system agree they somehow know even before the child gives indicators. This allows the parent to take quick action so accidents are avoided.

With Elimination Communication, you can work on this part-time so there is no stress. You will need to determine what works for your situation in that sometimes a parent will only remove the diaper during playtime or after meals. The key to success is to make this a fun and stress free process, without putting any type of pressure on the baby to perform. Remember, the Elimination Communication system takes time to learn so if you and the baby do not learn immediately, that is perfectly fine.

As your baby nears the age of potty training, you should at least consider EC. Chances are you will find it works. Then, considering that you are using fewer diapers and supporting the environment, it makes sense.

Using The Power Of Books As Part Of Your Child’s Early Learning Experience

January 3, 2009 by  
Filed under Early Learning, Featured

It is easy to under estimate the power of the written word. During our formative years, we all had certain books that made a big impression and that we will remember for the rest of our lives. Even from early childhood, there were stories that never failed to delight and although we didn’t realise at the time, reading was helping us have a better command of the language.

We remember some of those books in adulthood and they help keep the glimmer of childhood in us that will remain until we grow old. During the early learning phase, using books as an aid will greatly enhance the experience.

There is something magical about children’s books, you have the books for very early years with pop ups and only a word or two on each page with big exciting pictures. Then progressing to toddler age with slightly more words on the page, again with beautiful imagery. The pictures are instrumental in helping the child with their creative imagination and eventually pictures are no longer necessary.

The earlier books play a part in your child’s life, the better. Helping them discover a love of books is a valuable gift and will help in their vocabulary skills, not to mention endless hours of pleasure.

You can gradually wean your child on to books starting pretty much from day one, in fact, you can even read to the child during the later stages of pregnancy. Both mom and dad can share this responsibly.

It has been discovered that the unborn child can hear voices and relate the voices after birth. Reading to your child will help them recognise your voice after birth and give a sense of comfort. There are probably even more benefits that have not been fully researched yet in reading to your child before birth.

To help your child get the maximum benefit from books, sit with them so they can look at the pictures while you read. Even once the child has begun learning to read, it can help to read and they will follow the words. Then the child can have a go.

You can think of ways in which the child can benefit, there are many methods that are all effective. Eventually, they will be reading on their own, only needing help with the odd word. You will be amazed at the rate in which they learn.

Children often copy their parents and the activity in question can become part of their enjoyable activities. You have the power to instil a love of reading and books into your child which can only do good. Encouraging them to read and reading aloud to them will help them take an interest.

There are books available with audio CD’s to help your child follow the story and add an extra facet in the learning to read process. Children usually love new things, this can help to prevent the child from becoming bored and giving up.

Books are something that has stood the test of time. Sure, there will be exciting new technology to capture the imagination but nothing can supersede our own imagination and the power of the mind. Helping your child to read and enjoy books will give them a huge advantage with vocabulary and is something that they can always enjoy.

Benefits of Making Natural Baby Products

January 1, 2009 by  
Filed under Eco Baby

Even with more and more companies of baby products using quality ingredients, we still see many things on store shelves that are questionable. Making natural baby products is an excellent alternative, as you are about to discover. If you were to look at baby product labels, you would see things listed such as synthetic fragrances, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or SLS, parabens, and talc to name a few. Unfortunately, products with these ingredients actually put your child at health risk. For this reason, the number of parents choosing to make natural baby products is growing. Not only are natural products healthier, they are also more affordable. Additionally, natural products are quite easy to make so all you need are natural ingredients and a little time.

If you were to scour the internet, you would find virtually thousands of recipes for natural baby products but we wanted to provide you with a few examples so you can see for yourself why this is a great solution.

Bath Milk for the Baby
1 cup of milk
1/4 cup of ground oats (finely ground)
1/4 cup of corn starch
3 drops of essential oils (lavender, chamomile, rose, etc)

Simply mix everything in a jar, shake, and then add about a tablespoon to your baby’s warm bath water for sheer relaxation.

Natural Baby Oil

2 vitamin E capsules
1 cup of apricot kernel or grape seed oil
5 to 6 drops of essential oils (chamomile or lavender)

To make natural baby products such as this, carefully snip off the end of the vitamin E capsules and mix with the other two ingredients. To make the baby oil last longer, store it in a dark colored bottle and to help the baby relax, use it for a nice massage.

Natural Baby Wipes

1/4 cup of Aloe Vera juice
1 cup of water
1 tablespoon of Calendula oil
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon of unscented soap (mild and grated)
2 drops of tea tree oil
2 drops of essential oil (lavender is recommended)

Again, mix all of these ingredients in a jar and then pour of soft paper towels or even organic wipes. Making this natural baby product has many advantages over store bought in that not only does it smell great, it also serves as an antifungal solution reducing diaper rash caused by yeast.

Baby Powder

1/2 cups of arrowroot powder
1/2 cup of corn starch
1 tablespoon of lavender (dried and ground)
1 tablespoon of chamomile (dried and ground)
1/4 cup of oats (finely ground)

This natural baby product is completely talc free and easy to make. All you need to do is place all the ingredients in a shaker type bottle and then use as powder for the baby’s bottom after diapering or on other parts of the body after bath time.

Dryer Sachets

1 smaller size drawstring bag (muslin)
Lavender (dried)
3 drops of essential oil (lavender)

Place the dried lavender in the muslin bag and then sprinkle with the lavender oil. Tightly close the bag and use in the dryer when drying the baby’s clothes. This is a great natural baby product that will make clothing soft and sweet smelling.

Keep in mind, that a person’s first line of defense is the skin. Your baby’s skin will naturally absorb things so any product containing harmful chemicals is going to put your child at risk. While it might take a little more effort to make natural baby products, the benefits are well worth it.

All you need for making natural baby products is natural ingredients and time. Additionally, ingredients are very inexpensive so ultimately, you save tremendous amount of money. Best of all, you are protecting your baby so he or she is never exposed to anything that would be harmful. The majority of ingredients needed for making natural products can be found at your local grocery or health food store!

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